5 Q's of Branding

5 Q's of Branding

Mg. Patricia Ticas. Chief of Branding Operation-Co Founder of Pepper Design & Branding. Design applied to the company Master in Fepade / Mónica Herrera
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I want to share 5 important questions that we must ask ourselves when developing a brand; but first, we must understand the concept of "branding". Branding is a process that involves analyzing, understanding, creating, differentiating, standardizing and executing to generate a solid brand, strengthening it over time.

Now, the questions we must ask ourselves to develop a brand are:

  1. Who is your client? Who are you currently talking to? Who else are you going to sell it to? You must learn to know your customers. How? investigating their taste and preferences, such as the series or movies they watch, the music they listen to, etc. You have to know them well to make your brand appealing to them and generate engagement with it.Today, because of the global crisis, needs and preferences have changed, you have to review your target again to generate new strategies.
  2. What problem does your brand solve? We all have problems in our daily life and many times we do not realize that there may be practical and easy solutions to them. These can be informative, physical, emotional, mental, etc. Pause and think about what is the solution that your brand offers to your customers.
  3. What makes your brand different? This is where branding works its magic ... How do you make your brand stand out from the rest? For this you need several factors such as: experience; If it is a small business, everything you know, you have lived, the studies you have, or the environment in which you grew up can become your big difference from your competition. Another influencing factor may be your customer service and what you offer, combined with the solution you provide.
  4. What identifies you as a brand? How do you get your brand to attract attention? For this, you must first make an evaluation and ask yourselves the following: Does my brand have a personality? Is my brand name easy to remember and pronounce? Is my logo design clean and fresh? Are my brand colors current and not saturated? Is my communication strategy clear and concise? Does my customer service staff live and identify with my brand? Does my physical space have the colors and focal points of my brand? Based on this analysis you will be able to identify your strengths and your competitive advantage.
  5. What are you going to leave as a legacy? Consumers currently trust your brand and the benefit that your product offers, however in the most recent context of COVID-19, brands must know their target very well and provide something extra that remains in their memory and reminds you.

For the brands we advise, we make recommendations that definitely achieve that "click" with the client so they continue buying services or products. For this, it is important that a joint work is done with the sales and customer service team.

I hope this information has helped you, we are eager to tell you more. We wish that your brand achieves these 5Qs. If you want to know more about how to strengthen your brand, visit www.pepper-design.net or contact us on our social networks.

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