The importance of digital marketing for your brand

The importance of digital marketing for your brand

Mg. Carmen Elena Salaverria, Marketing Strategy Director - Pepper Design & Branding. Master Business Administration - Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile.
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Marketing has evolved from being just a tool focused on selling products and has become in recent years a way to connect with consumers and create long-term relationships. Today, consumers establish how they want brands to connect with them.  But how do we connect with this consumer who is increasingly being bombarded with information and has a harder time capturing their attention?  This is only possible using digital marketing tools. Which basically is to take advantage of marketing strategies that connect the brand with the consumer in their day to day in the digital world.


Digital marketing not only includes social networks, but also email marketing, mobile marketing, data-geolocation, content marketing, online advertising and SEO and SEM.  Each company must analyze which digital strategy is best suited to achieve its objectives, it is worth mentioning that not everything applies, so you must be very careful with the choice. 

But why is it important for your company? 

First, it is important to understand how we build a traditional marketing strategy that has no digital component. Traditional marketing is a one-sided communication directed to the consumer, it is like throwing a net into the sea without knowing what we are going to get. On the other hand, digital marketing is a multidirectional communication, it is like fishing with a rod in the right place and at the right time where you know you will find the best fish.  

That is digital marketing, it makes the exact encounter with the potential customer easy during the whole buying process. It allows us to understand what our customers are looking for, what they buy, how we talk to them, what products and services they want to find.  This gives us a much better understanding of our target group, creating a constant conversation with the consumer.   

Something extremely important you should know is that in digital marketing everything is measurable and you can take action at the moment in real time to achieve your business goals. So, even knowing that there is no right formula you should experiment to see what works best for your business.

Let us advise you with your digital marketing strategies and help you get to know your consumer together. Visit, call us at +503 2132-8888, write us +503 7851- 9009 or also to our social networks. 

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Let's talk!

Avenida Miramundo y Calle Tacuba, Block B, No. 27, Bosques de Santa Elena II, Antiguo Cuscatlán.

+503 2132-8888