The importance of good design in a product's success

The importance of good design in a product's success

Mg. Patricia Ticas. Chief of Branding Operation-Co Founder of Pepper Design & Branding. Design applied to the company Master in Fepade / Mónica Herrera
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New products that satisfy emerging needs come out on the market in an everyday basis. The Covid-19 Pandemic has brought many cultural changes which have made consumers become more careful in their choices and made them discover needs they didn´t have before. The industries are watching closely, offering new ways to satisfy them.

¿How does design influence this? ¿Have you noticed that now we are more meticulous, and observe every detail, if the product is good for us or not, if it´s healthy for me and my family, and have become more critical of the benefits it offers?

Once we´ve identified our market, who we want to sell our product to, everything captures us visually, making design such an important issue. It is the first information we are going to receive about the quality of the product, if it´s good or bad or if it satisfies my needs or not. This is why we have to be very careful from the beginning, from the concept, the name and the logo we choose. We have to define them strategically, selecting images, colors, fonts, and a graphic line that can influence our buyer´s decision. What we see is what we buy, and consumers are constantly evaluating a brand, giving it value when it fulfills their expectations.

Nowadays industries only think about production investment. But stop. ¡Be careful! If your product doesn´t connect visually from the beginning it´s going to cost time, money and effort in trying to sell it to a customer that doesn´t identify with it. And to get his acceptance your sales team will invest more time and resources. On the other hand, when you start with a good product design, created with a unique concept and excellent quality, your sales will be ¡Right on track!

In conclusion:

  • A bad quality product + good design = Consumers just try it once, and don´t buy it again.
  • A good quality product + a bad design = Takes years to position and have new consumers.
  • A good quality product + a Smart design = Generates new consumers that get connected to the product, raising the sales.  

If you want our advice in how to improve your product design, enter our website , call us: (503) 2132-8888, send us a message via Whatsapp: 7851- 9009 or through our social media.

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+503 2132-8888