Branding as a business strengthening tool

Branding as a business strengthening tool

Mg. Alejandro Villalta. Chief Branding Officer-Co Founder de Pepper Design & Branding. Master en Comercio Exterior- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
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Many people start their business empirically, whether they join 2 or 3 friends or relatives who handle a specific subject, create a process, product or service, specialize in it and when they are about to formalize the project, they evaluate an image that goes with it or can represent their business.

Many people start their business empirically, whether they join 2 or 3 friends or relatives who handle a specific subject, create a process, product or service, specialize in it and when they are about to formalize the project, they evaluate an image that goes with it or can represent their business. However, since they do not have resources or much knowledge, they choose cheaper services and do not give it the necessary importance. For this reason, over time they realize that a good image is necessary to grow the company and especially to strengthen it. 

When having a basic image there is a limitation at the time of promoting it or wanting to position it as a leading brand. A very good tool to achieve these objectives is branding. As Pepper D&B, many companies have looked for us to create a branding strategy, addressing different areas such as brand positioning, target groups, personality, business objectives and from this point on create what we are known for, branding from a business point of view and thus be able to position the brand so that it begins to gain recognition.

After going through this process,  brands are strengthened because one of the greatest assets is its positioning. There are brands that have a certain economic value by taking out all the accounts of their assets such as sales, inventory, staff, etc. However, by having a good branding or going through a rebranding, one of the greatest assets that increases the value of the brand is its new image. Thanks to this, brands look bigger, stronger and have more top of mind awareness, which makes them have even more value.

That is why we recommend that to increase the brand value and strengthen a company, branding is one of the best strategies. If you want to learn more about strengthening brands, visit or write to our social networks.

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