Branding Trends 2021

Branding Trends 2021

Mg. Patricia Ticas. Chief of Branding Operation-Co Founder of Pepper Design & Branding. Design applied to the company Master in Fepade / Mónica Herrera
Paty ticas blog


Did you know that your brand is nowadays the main focus of everything? Brands today are becoming the most important fixed asset for your company, I'll explain why. 




Today, many companies have been born, and you have probably seen so many logos and brands, that you don't remember most of them. That is why the market is forced to reinforce, "rebrand", evolve or innovate its brands. The global trend after the pandemic tells us that now what is more effective is the experience rather than the product. The brand is what remains in the consumer's mind when they have tried your product or service, and that is the main brand-customer touch point.


What to do? 


First, we have to make brands more human, closer to their customers and more personal. There are brands that have been born only in digital form, we can't touch them, nor can we live the full experience in a physical place. However, many times we believe that we do live it because they make us feel connected through the way they meet our likes and preferences. For example, a color palette that can transmit different sensations, photographs that make us feel that we are inside them, shapes and drawings that can communicate a unique personality. All this makes it a more human brand, one that thinks of others, with a tone of communication that achieves closeness with the public. 


More experience and less product. I liked this phrase very much and it is from a branding expert, because in 4 words describes everything. We don't need to show only the product always in everything, but the life experience with it, in it is everything. The experience is the key to connect with the consumer, we can sell our main differentiator and thus achieve a memorable brand. 


Greater relevance. Brands need to get out of so much competitive noise, for that they need to be more dynamic. Today's new generations are not as loyal to brands and this leads to building them in a more defined way. That is, according to their audience, their place, their time. You are going to have to adapt the brand to your consumers, according to each one, because we all want to be spoken directly, that's why it is very important to know your customer. 


More visual cleanliness. It is important to create brands that make our lives easier, that guarantee their durability, that we can use them, that are easy to buy and accessible. Above all, this easiness indicates that we also want visually cleaner brand identities, easy to understand and comprehend, more honest, transparent, sincere, that show everything they are, without shortcuts.


If you want to learn more about branding, visit , call us at (503) 2132-8888 or write to us on our social networks.

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