Lateral thinking as a tool for everyday use

Lateral thinking as a tool for everyday use

Mg. Alejandro Villalta. Chief Branding Officer-Co Founder de Pepper Design & Branding. Master en Comercio Exterior- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
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What is lateral thinking?

Lateral thinking is looking for different solutions or alternatives for a problem, without thinking in the traditional way (linear thinking).

Linear thinking consists of a problem originated from a thought that needs to be solved, but only in one form. In the opposite case to the lateral thinking that consists in thinking in a lateral way, that is, having a problem with many possible forms of solution, all parallel to have different options subject to analysis and interpretation, adequate to choose and make the best decision.

The lateral thinking began in me from wanting to achieve or achieve something, before discovering it I asked permission to do things and they told me that it was not possible to do it, therefore, I found myself in the need to manage to ask for it and achieve it . I had to learn to ask for it in a different way, and invent a fantastic story to be able to convince, to try to find an alternative to find something similar, to hide that I didn't want what I was asking for if they gave it to me, in short, I just had to find a way to get something in different ways.

In my work there is not only one solution, there are thousands of alternatives that are generated to solve the problem of a client. To properly apply lateral thinking we must check assumptions by applying logic, ask ourselves questions from the general to the particular, until we finish with the one that coincides with the solution, approach the problems creatively and see them from very different perspectives.

What is lateral thinking for? It works for everything; For example, it can be executed in the resolution of complex problems or in the resolution of small day-to-day problems. Normally we are stunned with small inconveniences that do not let us move forward with the day's work, because we have programmed the brain that with a problem we must stop to think and turn that idea until we find a solution.

Lateral thinking allows us to find solutions through various techniques, such as fun; For example, think about the problem in different ways, analyze them from different perspectives to see how another person, another company, another country, an animal, etc., would solve it, different ways of looking at things to find possible solution scenarios. With fun, it is possible to find resolutions that may not be very feasible and others that are, but the richness of different alternatives is what allows them to be mixed until a fairly good solution is reached.

When practicing lateral thinking, we realize that it is useful for solving decisions on a day-to-day basis, not only for complex problems that require a high degree of analysis, it can be applied to things that may take time to solve, Soon for this we can pause and ask, for example, how to solve a problematic Cantinflas, if we put ourselves in the shoes of that character, the solution may be funny, but perhaps it is feasible, resulting in an end that we would never have happened.

That is what causes ideas to be generated with a high degree of quality, because one is not thinking as we are normally trained to think. When to use it? I would recommend using it always, the more one practices it, the more we get used to having a different perspective on life or things.

It starts with big problems, trying to solve in a team and acting differently, acting as a character with a peculiar characteristic. There are different creative techniques where it can be applied, such as; the 6 hats of thought that helps solve problems, but requires a team.

By soaking the subject well and knowing it more deeply, you can master each
decision, you may have a different perspective, because you already think in a way
different, not in a linear way.

The clearest example in my personal life is the case of my daughter, she has a congenital heart problem and must be operated. On the third day of birth she was diagnosed with a problem called Tetralogy of Fallot, which requires an unpayable operation and can only be operated through entities that give funds to operate in other countries or in medical days when doctors from other countries come to operate to national hospitals in certain periods of time, we had hopes that my daughter would go to Germany to be able to have surgery, but that option was already denied.

From a linear perspective it is like having a problem, finding a solution, but thinking laterally right now we have begun to see options, from how to write to the Mc Donald’s Foundation, to write to NGOs that support this type of case; go to hospitals in another country where operations are low cost, to pay only for tickets and stays; local operation and investigate if there is insurance coverage; looking for different options that we know are viable, but also take into account others that maybe not. Within everything, make a mix to find the path that may be the best alternative, and that is a decision that is currently being made.

In lateral thinking the ideas must come out to find the best solution, we should not be distressed by situations, on the contrary, one should enjoy doing it, even if it is a serious problem, the point is to find a very good and viable solution.

"There are only two ways to influence human behavior: You can manipulate it or you can inspire it"

Simon Sinek

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